
We invite you to remember your loved ones who have died by committing an act of kindness in their honor. Love, kindness, generosity, sharing, these are the gifts we can give to them.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

In honor of Theo and Julie's Dad~

Karla -
I wasn't sure what I was going to do this year, but I kept waiting for something to present itself. I went to a yoga class that I teach on Tuesday and one of my students had a card for me. It had kind words and a $10 bill in it. I told the student I couldn't accept that money, but she insisted. On the drive home, it hit me, I will take the $10 and put some money with it, and send it to the Central Va Foodbank. While writing the check, I thought of Theo and my Dad; two of the most extraordinary people that I have ever met. I put a return address label with a dragonfly on it.
Happy Holidays to you, Jamie and Lula. I love keeping up with you on Facebook.

Love to you and a Blessed New Year!


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