
We invite you to remember your loved ones who have died by committing an act of kindness in their honor. Love, kindness, generosity, sharing, these are the gifts we can give to them.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Theo's Stocking 2018

Dear Mister F.
I think it is so great that you are still doing the stocking for Theo. I do things for other people every now and then while thinking of the stocking. I gave a homeless person 12 dollars. I held open the door of the elevator when I was in a real hurry, because the woman I was holding the door for was frantic. I helped a person who dropped his groceries. I wanted to help a mother (or a nanny) who was having trouble juggling a baby and other stuff, but got a weird look from the mother, so I backed away, which was more helpful. All kinds of stuff all year I try to do.
I hope you are doing good and still teaching and I may come to Richmond soon.

I swiped meals for homeless people on campus. There are a lot of homeless people.

*"I swiped meals" means that this student used a meal plan on an ID that you 'swipe' in order to get food. It does not mean the food was stolen...

Proffesor F.,
When I feel down, I always think about mentoring at Carver Promise. Next year I am going back to be a mentor again. Everyone needs somebody, and all those kids need mentors. When I feel down, I always feel better when I remember mentoring. It's not that mentoring was all that fun, really, and it wasn't earth shaking or anything like that, but it's one of those small but very important things, so I will go back, because somebody needs me. This is for the stocking. Just use my first initial, please.