
We invite you to remember your loved ones who have died by committing an act of kindness in their honor. Love, kindness, generosity, sharing, these are the gifts we can give to them.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Giving to her community...

I always think of Theo at Christmas. We donate to a nearby park that is being developed...an old family farm that they are protecting from development to use as a recreational park. The next donation that we will make will be in Theo's name. What a great way to celebrate Theo down in here Georgia.

~Michelle Beaubien Witte

Friends of Mabry Park is a community non-profit, volunteer organization in Georgia where the community is working to promote the development of their beautiful park.

Added by Michelle:

"I got this response today from the guy who is coordinating donations for the park. I wrote him asking about making donations towards specific things in the park in people's names. I would love to do something like this with Theo's name and maybe a dragonfly image. I will let you know sweet love. It will be a place that my children and many others will find a lot of joy...and it backs up to our neighborhood in East Cobb.

He said, 'The Master Plan process will start in January. This will last 3-4 months and when completed, we will have all the elements of the park laid out. At that point, we can start laying out the elements such as benches, trees, playgrounds, etc. and the ability to donate and name an item. We really like this idea and look forward to presenting it everyone in the coming months.' "

How beautiful Michelle~! Thank you so much, what a beautiful gift. So much love to you and your family this Christmas Eve morning.

Love you,

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